

Basic Terminology 

  • Encryption: cipher plain text and make it into unreadable message.
    • cf) cipher is done by using encryption algorithm and key (which is unique for every cipher) 
  • Decryption: reverse of encryption.

Symmetric cryptography 

  • Same key is used for encryption and decryption.
  • Encryption algorithms for Symmetric cryptography : DES, RC4, AES 

Asymmetric cryptography 

  • Different keys are used for encryption and decryption. 
  • Utilizes computational difficulty of large numbers. 
  • But how do we know who sent the message ?? Anyone can peek at public key and anyone can argue that the message was from him. This is where digital signature comes into play. 

  • Algorithms used in asymmetric cryptography 

    • RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) 
      • One of first practical asymmetric cryptography system.
      • RSA system specifies mechanisms for generation and distribution of keys along with encryption and decryption operation using these keys. 
      • Key generation process depends on choosing 2 unique, random, and usually very large prime numbers. 
    • DSA(Digital signature algorithm) 
      • Similar to RSA, DSA covers the key generation process along with signing and verifying data using the key pairs. 
    • DH(Deffie-Hellman)
      • One of popular key exchange algorithm. 
    • ECC(Elliptic Curve Cryptography)
      • A public key encryption system that uses the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite fields to generate secure curves. 
      • The benefit of elliptic curve based encryption system is that they are able to achieve security similar to traditional public key systems with smaller key sizes. 

  • Hash functions used in asymmetric cryptography 

    • Hash is a type of function or operation that takes in an arbitrary data input and maps it to an output of fixed size, called a hash or digest.
    • Cryptographic hashing is distinctly different from general hashing because cryptographic hash functions should be one directional and shouldn't allow hash collisions. 
    • MD5 
      • Operates on a 512 bit blocks and generates 128  bit hash digests.
      • A design flaw was discovered in 1996, and cryptographers recommended using the SHA-1 hash, a more secure alternative. 
    • SHA-1(Secure Hash Algorithm) 
      • Operates on 512 bit blocks and generates 160 bit hash digest. 
      • Used in popular protocols like TLS/SSL, PGP SSH, and IPsec. 
      • Used in Git, which uses hashes to identify revisions and ensure data integrity be detecting corruption or tampering. 


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